Brainstorm Tutorial - sEEG Localization

TianLab Access Only

Contributor: Hao Zhu (

Create Date: 2024/01/08

This tutorial is based on:

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This tutorial is designed to walk through the fundamental steps of sEEG electrode localization. The process includes merging pre-operative MRI with post-operative CT scans (co-registration), standardizing the data (normalization), marking the positions of the electrodes on the co-registered CT (manual electrode localization), identifying anatomical structures (atlas labeling), and visualization.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Data preparation
  3. Getting Started
  4. Import Anatomy
  5. Electrode Localization
  6. Atlas Labeling
  7. Visualization
  8. Conclusion
  9. Extras


Follow the official installation guide for detailed instructions.

Data preparation

In this tutorial, I use a sample datasets from a real subject (sz14) collected from Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital.

  1. pre-operative MRI
  1. post-operative CT
  1. Co-registered images (Done and provided by neurosurgeons)
  1. FreeSurfer reconstruction

Above four files are needed for this tutorial and successful electrode localization.

Getting Started

  1. Launch brainstorm (Guide)

  2. Select the menu File > New protocol. Name it and select the options:

Import Anatomy

Import neuroimages into Brainstorm.

  1. Create subject
  1. import FreeSurfer anatomy folder
  1. import CT scan

The import step is finished. MRI and CT are co-registered and normalized.

Electrode Localization

Identify and mark the positions of the electrodes on the co-registered CT scan.

  1. Create implantation.
  1. Start localization
  1. Repeat the Step 2 for the rest electrodes.

Atlas labeling

After electrode localization, we have the correct coordinates of each of contact. We can identify contact’s anatomical location in either native space (Destrieux atlas) or MNI space (AAL3 atlas). To identify the correct anatomical location of a contact, combine both labeling results and compare to actual neural signal.

  1. Native space
  1. MNI space


Visualize results using Brainstorm’s built-in tools and other toolboxes. I do not recommend mayavi and pysurfer.

  1. brainstorm
  1. PyVista


Congratulations! You’ve completed this Brainstorm Tutorial designed for sEEG electrode localization. This is just the beginning—continue exploring advanced features and analyses to enhance your sEEG research.

Feel free to check the official tutorial for more in-depth information and advanced topics.

Happy brain mapping!


  1. Convert DICOM images to NifTi file.

    dcm2niix -o __output_file_path__ -f %i_%n_%p_%s_%t -z y __image_folder_path__
        o: output directory
        z y: output compressed = .nii.gz
        f: output name
        %i: patient id
        %n: subject name
        %p: protocol name
        %s: series
        %t: session date and time
  2. Run FreeSurfer reconstruction.